Sunday, June 27, 2010

WEEK 26 (28/6/2010 - 2/7/2010)

Day/DateMonday / 28 June 2010
Time8.15 - 9.45 am
Learning areaStatistics
Learning objective6.1 Understand and use the concept of mode and mean of grouped data.
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
1. calculate the midpoint of the class
2. verify the formula for the mean of grouped data.
3. calculate the mean from the frequency table of grouped data
4. discuss the effect of the size of class interval on the accuracy of the mean for a specific set of grouped data
Noble valuesSystematic and rational
Teaching aidsMathematics Text Book, blackboard,chalk
Activities1. Teacher shows the steps to calculate the midpoint of the class .
2. Teacher discusses how verify the formula for the mean of grouped data.
3. Teacher asks students to calculate the mean from the frequency table of grouped data
4. Teacher discusses with the students the effect of the size of class interval on the accuracy of the mean for a specific set of grouped data .

ReflectionThe learning objectives achieved. Students can calculate the mean for the grouped data. About 70% of the students undderstand the concept of mean and mode.

Day/DateMonday / 28 June 2010
Time10.55 -11.30 am
ThemeInvestigating the physiology of living things
Learning Area6.0 Nutrition
Learning objective 6.1 Understanding types of nutrition
6.2 Balanced diet
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
1. Determine the nutrient content in different food samples
2. Explain the function and sources of vitamins in a diet to maintain health.
3. Explain the function and sources of roughage/dietary diet in a diet.
4. Explain the function of water in the body.
5. Justify the selection of an appropriate balanced diet for a target group.
Noble values &
Scientific skills
Being objective and realizing the science is a mean to understand nature.
Teaching aidsBiology Text Book, whiteboard,notes
1. Discussion on nutrient content in food samples.
2. Discussion on function and sources of vitamin, roughage and water.
ReflectionSome students did not completed the homework given by the teacher. Teacher should be more firm to them next time. Students gave the function of vitamin, roughage and water correctly. 80% of the students gave attention to the teacher.

Day/DateMonday/ 28 June 2010
Time11.30 - 12.40 pm
ThemeInvestigating the physiology of living things
Learning Area6.0 Nutrition
Learning objective 6.2 Balanced diet
Experiment 6.1 - Determine the energy value of food sample.
Noble values &
Scientific skills
Being objective, careful and rational
Teaching aidsBiology Practical Book, whiteboard, marker pen
Activities1. Teacher briefs the students how to set up the apparatus.
2. Students calculate the energy value using the data of the experiment.
ReflectionStudents analysing the data after the experiment. 100% of the students involved during the experiment.

Day/DateTuesday / 29 June 2010
Time8.15 - 9.45 am
ThemeInvestigating the physiology of living things
Learning Area6.0 Nutrition
Learning objective 6.3 Malnutrition
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
1. Explain what malnutrition is.
2. Explain the effect of malnutrition using examples.
3. Describe ways to reduce the chance of contracting certain heart problems due to one's diet.
4. Describe ways to reduce the effects of certain health problems.

Noble values &
Scientific skills
Being objective, being thankful to Gods, realizing the science is a mean to understand nature.
Teaching aidsBiology Text Book, whiteboard,notes
1. Discussion on malnutrition.
2. Teacher shows pictures related to malnutrition.
ReflectionTeacher continue the previous lesson. Students performed well during the lesson. The learning objective achieved. Students gave correct examples related to malnutrition .100% of the students understand the concept of malnutrition.

Day/DateTuesday / 29 June 2010
Time10.55 - 11.30 am
Learning areaStatistics
Learning objective6.1 Represent and interpret data in histogram with class intervals
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
1. draw histogram based on the frequency table of grouped data.
2. interpret information from the histogram
3. Solve problems involving histograms
Noble valuesSystematic and rational
Teaching aidsMathematics Text Book, blackboard,chalk
Activities1. Teacher shows the steps to construct histogram of grouped data.
2. Teacher asks students to interpret information from the histogram.
ReflectionStudents took long time to walk from library to the class. Teacher had to wait them for about 15 minutes. Most of the students forgot to bring graph papers. Teacher gave graph papers for those who did not bring. 1OO% of the students can draw histogram correctly.

Day/DateWednesday / 30 June 2010
Time7.05- 8.15 am
Learning areaStatistics
Learning objective6.3 Represent and interpret data in histogram with class intervals
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
1. draw histogram based on the frequency table of grouped data.
2. interpret information from the histogram
3. Solve problems involving histograms
Noble valuesSystematic and rational
Teaching aidsMathematics Text Book, blackboard,chalk
Activities1. Teacher shows the steps to construct histogram of grouped data.
2. Teacher asks students to interpret information from the histogram.
ReflectionMost of the students did not bring the graph papers. They had to draw the histogram in note book. All the students can draw the histograms correctly.

Hari/TarikhRabu / 30 Jun 2010
Masa9.45 - 10.55 am
ABMPapan hitam
Aktiviti1. Guru menyuruh pelajar menulis sebuah karangan yang bertajuk "Biar lambat,asalkan selamat "tidak melebihi 350 patah perkataan .
RefleksiPelajar tidak mengetahui bagaimana untuk mengembangkan isi-isi karangan. Guru memberikan pendapat kepada pelajar.

Day/DateWednesday / 30 June 2010
Time12.05 - 12.40 pm
ThemeInvestigating the physiology of living things
Learning Area6.0 Nutrition
Learning objective 6.3 Malnutrition
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
1. Explain what malnutrition is.
2. Explain the effect of malnutrition using examples.
3. Describe ways to reduce the chance of contracting certain heart problems due to one's diet.
4. Describe ways to reduce the effects of certain health problems.

Noble values &
Scientific skills
Being objective, being thankful to Gods, realizing the science is a mean to understand nature.
Teaching aidsBiology Text Book, whiteboard,notes
1. Discussion on malnutrition.
2. Teacher shows pictures related to malnutrition.
ReflectionStudents gave correct definition of rickets, osteoporosis, diabetes and others.

Day/DateThursday / 1 July 2010
Time7.05 - 8.15 am
Learning areaStatistics
Learning objective6.4 Represent and interpret data in Frequency polygons to solve problems.
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
1. draw frequency table based on:
a) a histogram
b) a frequency table
2. interpret informations from the given frequency polygons.
3. Solve the problems involving frequency ploygons.
Noble valuesSystematic and rational
Teaching aidsMathematics Text Book, blackboard,chalk
Activities1. Teacher guides students to draw frequency table based on:
a) a histogram
b) a frequency table
2. Teacher shows examples of frequency polygons and asks them to interpret informations from the given frequency polygons.
3. Students solve the problems involving frequency ploygons.
ReflectionStudents gave good attention to the teacher during the lesson. They enjoyed drawing frequency table.

Day/DateThursday / 1 July 2010
Time9.45 - 10.55 am
ThemeInvestigating the physiology of living things
Learning Area6.0 Nutrition
Learning objective 6.4 Food digestion
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
1. state the substances required by cells to carry out metabolic processes.
2. List the complex substances that need to be digested
3. Explain the necessity for digestion of complex substances.
4. Draw and label the human digestive system
5. State and describe the function of the digestive juices and substances that aid the process of digestion.
6. Explain the digestion of carbohydrates,proteins and lipids
7. Identify parts digestive system in ruminants and rodents involved in the digestion of celulose.
8. Describe the digestion of cellulose in ruminants and rodents
Noble values &
Scientific skills
Being objective, being thankful to Gods,
Teaching aidsBiology Text Book, whiteboard,notes
1. Teacher asks students to analyse the human digestive system.
2. Teacher asks students to state and
list the complex substances that need to be digested.
3. Students state and describe the function of the digestive juices and substances that aid the process of digestion.
4. Teachers explains the digestion of carbohydrates,proteins and lipids
5. Teacher shows diagrams of digestion of cellulose in ruminants and rodents .
ReflectionStudents revised themselves before the class. They recognised parts involved in human digestive system. 100% of the students involved well during the lesson.

Day/DateThursday / 24 June 2010
Time10.55 - 11.30 am
Learning areaStatistics
Learning objective6.4 Represent and interpret data in Frequency polygons to solve problems.
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
1. draw frequency table based on:
a) a histogram
b) a frequency table
2. interpret informations from the given frequency polygons.
3. Solve the problems involving frequency ploygons.
Noble valuesSystematic and rational
Teaching aidsMathematics Text Book, blackboard,chalk
Activities1. Teacher guides students to draw frequency table based on:
a) a histogram
b) a frequency table
2. Teacher shows examples of frequency polygons and asks them to interpret informations from the given frequency polygons.
3. Students solve the problems involving frequency ploygons.
ReflectionThe P&P is not 100% achieved since there were some students did not give attention to the teacher. Activity 3 will be continue in the next class.

Day/DateFriday/2 July 2010
Time7.05 - 8.15 am
ThemeInvestigating the physiology of living things
Learning Area6.0 Nutrition
Learning objective 6.4 Food digestion
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
1. state the substances required by cells to carry out metabolic processes.
2. List the complex substances that need to be digested
3. Explain the necessity for digestion of complex substances.
4. Draw and label the human digestive system
5. State and describe the function of the digestive juices and substances that aid the process of digestion.
6. Explain the digestion of carbohydrates,proteins and lipids
7. Identify parts digestive system in ruminants and rodents involved in the digestion of celulose.
8. Describe the digestion of cellulose in ruminants and rodents
Noble values &
Scientific skills
Being objective, being thankful to Gods,
Teaching aidsBiology Text Book, whiteboard,notes
1. Teacher asks students to analyse the human digestive system.
2. Teacher asks students to state and
list the complex substances that need to be digested.
3. Students state and describe the function of the digestive juices and substances that aid the process of digestion.
4. Teachers explains the digestion of carbohydrates,proteins and lipids
5. Teacher shows diagrams of digestion of cellulose in ruminants and rodents .
ReflectionTeaching and learning process achieved.

Hari/TarikhJumaat/2 Julai 2010
Masa8.15 - 8.50 am
ABMChalks, blackboard
Aktiviti1.Guru memberikan soalan klon SPM kepada pelajar.
RefleksiTerdapat sesetengah pelajar masih belum menguasai tatabahasa. Pelajar menggunakan tatabahasa yang salah untuk menjawab soalan tersebut.

Day/DateFriday / 2 July 2010
Time10.40 - 11.40 am
Learning areaStatistics
Learning objective6.4 Represent and interpret data in Frequency polygons to solve problems.
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
1. Students solve the problems involving frequency ploygons.
Noble valuesSystematic and rational
Teaching aidsMathematics Text Book, blackboard,chalk
Activities1. Students solve the problems involving frequency ploygons.

ReflectionThe learning objectives achieved eventhough students took much time to solve the problems given.


  1. Please check the following RPH for Week 26:
    (i) 4K6 - 28.01.10 under Reflection
    (ii)4K7 - the date for Thursday

    RPH is up-to-date. Thank you for submitting your RPH.

