Monday, April 12, 2010

WEEK 15 (12/4/2010 - 16/4/2010)

Day/DateMonday / 12 April 2010
Time9.45 - 10.20 am
Teaching aidsMathematics Text Book, blackboard,chalk
Activities1. Teacher tests students with the questions on fractions.
2. Teacher draws diagrams that represent fractions and asks students to answers the questions based on that diagrams.
ReflectionSome students did not know how to interpret the diagrams given. So, teacher gave more explanations how to interpret the fractions based on diagrams.

Day/DateMonday/ 12 April 2010
Time9.45-10.55 am
ThemeInvestigating the cell as a basic unit of living things
Learning Area5.0 Cell Division
Learning objective 5.1 Understanding mitosis
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson, students will be able to :
+ state the necessity for the production of new cells in organisms.
+ explain the necessity of production of new cells identical the parent cells
+ state the significance of mitosis
+ identify the phases in Cell Cycle
+ explain the process of mitosis and cytokinesis.
+ arrange the various stages of the mitosis in the corect sequence.
Noble values &
Scientific skills
Being objective, thinking rationally.
Teaching aidsBiology notes,Biology Text Book,whiteboard
Activities1. Teacher explains the significance of production new cells.
2. Teacher explains the definition of mitosis.
3. Teacher asks students the various stages in mitosis.

Day/DateMonday / 29 March 2010
Time11.30- 12.40 pm
ThemeInvestigating the cell as a basic unit of living things
Learning Area5.0 Cell Divisions
Learning objective 5.1 Understanding mitosis
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
  • Identify the phases in the cell cycle
  • Explain the process of mitosis and cytokinesis
  • Arrange the various stages of mitosis in the correct sequence
  • Compare and contrast mitosis in animal cell and plant cell
  • Explain the importance of controlled mitosis
  • Explain the effects of uncontrolled mitosis in living things
  • Describe the application of knowledge on mitosis in cloning
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages in cloning
Noble values &
Scientific skills
Being objective, being thankful to Gods, realizing the science is a mean to understand nature.
Teaching aidsBiology Text Book, whiteboard,notes
Activities1. Teacher explains the stages in mitosis.
2. Teacher asks students to practise how to draw the stages in mitosis.
3. Students state the differences between mitosis in plants and animals.
4. Teacher explains the process of cloning and culture tissues.
ReflectionTeacher emphasized the drawing of stages in mitosis. Some of the students did not know the correct sequences of the mitosis. So, teacher guided them individually.The lesson not done. Therefore got extra class after school.

13 - 14 April 2010
Pertandingan Bola Baling MSS Samarahan
Sebagai Urusetia

Day/DateThursday/ 15 April 2010
Time9.45 - 10.55 am
ThemeInvestigating the cell as a basic unit of living things
Learning Area5.0 Cell Divisions
Learning objective 5.1 Understanding mitosis
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,students will be able to :
  • Identify the phases in the cell cycle
  • Explain the process of mitosis and cytokinesis
  • Arrange the various stages of mitosis in the correct sequence
  • Compare and contrast mitosis in animal cell and plant cell
  • Explain the importance of controlled mitosis
  • Explain the effects of uncontrolled mitosis in living things
  • Describe the application of knowledge on mitosis in cloning
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages in cloning
Noble values &
Scientific skills
Being objective, being thankful to Gods, realizing the science is a mean to understand nature.
Teaching aidsBiology Text Book, whiteboard,notes
Activities1. Teacher explains the stages in mitosis.
2. Teacher asks students to practise how to draw the stages in mitosis.
3. Students state the differences between mitosis in plants and animals.
4. Teacher explains the process of cloning and culture tissues.
ReflectionLesson not finished. Teacher will discuss the questions based on the mitosis in the next class. Teacher spent too much time to let the students understand the introduction of mitosis.

Day/DateThursday / 15 April 2010
Time10.55 - 11.30 am
Learning Area4.0 Mathematical reasoning
Learning objective 4.5 Understand the concept of Argument
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,student will be able to :
+ identify the premise and conclusion
+ make a conclusion based on two given premises for:
a) argument form I
b) argument form II
C) argument form III
Noble values
systematic, rational
Teaching aidsMathematics Text Book, blackboard,chalk
Activities1. Teacher explains the concept of argument by giving examples.
2. Students make a conclusion based on two given premises

ReflectionStudents gave good respond. Teacher gave them several questions about the argument.

Day/DateThursday / 15April 2010
Time11.30-1240 pm
Teaching aidsMathematics Text Book, blackboard,chalk
Activities1. Teacher asks students to complete the question on topic decimals.
ReflectionMost of the students did not focus to the teacher. But lesson succesfully done.

Day/DateFriday / 16 April 2010
Time7.05 - 8.15 am
ThemeInvestigating the cell as a basic unit of living things
Learning Area5.0 Cell Division
Learning objective 5.2 Understanding meiosis
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,student will be able to :
+ State the necessity of trait inheritance in offspring for continuation of life
+ state the necessity to maintain the chromosomal number from aone generation to next generation.
+ state the necessity for production of haploid gametes.
+ state the significance of meiosis.
+ identify the cell that undergo meiosis
+ state the stages of meiosis
+ arrange the stages in meiosis in correct order.
Noble values &
Scientific skills
Being thankful to God
Teaching aidsBiology Text Book,notes, whiteboard
Activities1. Teacher explains the necessity to maintain the chromosomal numbers from one generation to next generation.
2. Teacher asks students to state the stages in meiosis.

ReflectionStudents understand the basic concept of Meiosis . The explanations about the basic concept of meiosis will be discuss in the next lesson.

Day/DateFriday / 16 April 2010
Time8.15-8.50 am
Activities1. Guru menyuruh pelajar untuk menulis karangan tentang kepentingan menjaga kebersihan alam sekitar.
ReflectionKelas dibatalkan kerana cikgu menghadiri Mesyuarat Bola Baling di Bilik Akses.

Day/DateFriday / 16 April 2010
Time10.40 - 1130 am
Learning Area4.0 Mathematical reasoning
Learning objective 4.5 Understand the concept of Argument
Learning outcomesAt the end of the lesson,student will be able to :
+ complete an argument given a premise and the conclusion
Noble values
systematic, rational
Teaching aidsMathematics Text Book, blackboard,chalk
Activities1. Teacher explains how to complete an argument given a premise and the conclusion
ReflectionStudents understand the concept of argument. Teacher gave examples for better understanding.

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